A Letter from Across the Pond To Mr. Donald Trump, the honorable President of the United State
A Letter from Across the Pond
Mr. Donald Trump, the honorable President of the United States

It’s your fellow human, writing to you from Iran. We, over here, tend to believe that what goes around, comes around, so I thought I would remind you of the legacy you are creating. You know, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice, and even the best player eventually strikes out
History has its fair share of figures—from kings to dictators—who thought they could bulldoze their way through the world. They learn, eventually, that pride goes before a fall, and karma’s a boomerang. Think of great thinkers like Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr., who understood that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Remember, even mighty oaks fall, but deeds done in love and justice endure
Speaking of value, you know you are never going to get rich, and I’m talking about gold, by going around twisting the arms of other nations. It’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Greatness comes by lifting others, not by pushing them down. As they say, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar
I’m just a nobody, writing to you from Iran. A place with a history of greatness, of wise men like Avicenna and Razi, whose knowledge benefited the world. In Iran, even the janitors and taxi drivers know about the importance of being kind and considerate. Soon I hope to come to your country and see the universities that are on the cutting edge of science. I will not let anything happen that would alter my view of mutual synergy
But let’s be honest, Mr. Trump. When the administration’s treatment of other countries and other people is wrong, that is just wrong
There’s an old saying in my country: “Kindness is never wasted.” Just imagine the legacy you could build by fostering peace, pursuing justice, and playing fair. There’s real satisfaction in being a bridge-builder, not a wall-builder. As they say, “A rising tide lifts all boats”
Thinkers and leaders from around the world will know that there is nothing that is worth more than a kind soul and a human heart. Your legacy will be something more than gold. As we Iranians say, “Kindness makes the heart beautiful”
Think of the advances we could make together, with the world united in common goals. Imagine scientists from Iran and America collaborating to find cures for diseases or to develop sustainable energy. It’s a win-win
I’m just one young Iranian, named Mehrdad, with dreams and hopes. I will just remain kind and write to you the facts so you can remember and know the right way to go. We may be worlds apart, but we share the same sky, the same hopes for a better future. As the poet Maya Angelou said, “We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike”
I hope this letter finds you well and maybe gives you something to think about. Just remember, no matter how high you climb, always stay grounded
Mehrdad, a hopeful soul from Iran