Archiving and backup from Linux server

7 خرداد 1402 - خواندن 2 دقیقه - 172 بازدید

Archiving and backup from Linux server


Archive Command : tar -cvf mybackup.tar source destination

Extract Command : tar -xvf mybackup.tar source destination

Archive and Zip Command : tar -zcvf mybackup.tar source destination


Command rsync : for backup from local system to other systems

rsync source destination


Copy data from one hard drive to another

dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb


VPS Backup (CDP Script)


Backup in graphical environment

apt install timeshift


sudo timeshift –list

sudo timeshift –check

sudo timeshift –create

sudo timeshift –restore

sudo timeshift --restore --snapshot '[snapshot]'

sudo timeshift --delete --snapshot '[snapshot]'

--tags D Daily Backup

--tags W Weekly Backup

--tags M Monthly Backup

--tags O On-demand Backup

Third-party applications for backup

sudo apt install brasero

Install CDP client on Linux and verify that the CDP CLI client is working

To avoid conflicts with older versions of Python or other packages, Cloudera recommends that you install the CDP client in a virtual environment. Use the virtualenv tool to create a virtual environment and install the client.

Use pip to install the client on a virtual environment:

mkdir ~/cdpclienv

virtualenv ~/cdpclienv

source ~/cdpclienv/bin/activate

~/cdpclienv/bin/pip install cdpcli

To upgrade the CDP client to the latest version, run the following command

~/cdpclienv/bin/pip install --upgrade cdpcli

After the client installation process is complete, run the following command to confirm that the CDP client is working

If virtualenv is activated: cdp --version

If virtualenv is not activated: ~/cdpclienv/bin/cdp --version

Mostafa jahanpur
