Advance Education of Theory International Trade Law

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Advance Education of Theory International Trade Law

Researcher & Athure ✒️📄 

Dr Mohammad Shakibi Nejad

Director of executive researchers of the Faculty of Law of the University of Humanities and PhD students

The beginning of the article⬇️

International trade allows countries to expand their markets and access goods and services that otherwise may not have been available domestically. As a result of international trade, the market is more competitive. This ultimately results in more competitive pricing and brings a cheaper product home to the consumer.Political change in Asia, for example, could result in an increase in the cost of labor. This could increase the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker company that is based in Malaysia, which would then result in an increase in the price charged for a pair of sneakers that an American consumer might purchase at their local mall.

Main subject📖🖋️

According to the theory of comparative advantages each country would eventually recognize these facts and stop attempting to make the product that was more costly to generate domestically in favor of engaging in trade.

Both countries would realize that it was to their advantage to redirect their efforts at producing what they were relatively better at domestically and, instead, to trade with each other in order to acquire the other.

These II countries realized that they could produce more by focusing on those products for which they have a comparative advantage.

Introduction to the discussion✒️📑

It should be noted that the ability of a natural or legal person in a region such as the Middle East, which is itself a commercial hub, or any function to produce and develop with a four-phase (IV) program or Sidney W Mudler's model in the Chicago School or Iricsh Hëllhem Kôechel in the Frankfurt School, which is a seven-phase (VII) pole There should be more quantity of goods or services or service during delivery and guarantee of A Plus level of goods and warranty with the same amount of input per unit of time, or the production of the same quantity of goods or services per unit of time, which will not waste more time for the applicants. and at the same time, encouraging and energizing all human resources, which value and give high points to all employees will cause progress, DEVELOPMENT and RESEARCH (R&D), loyalty of all employees to the same group and organizational excellence in a systematic way.

Author Footnote - NIEO Review✒️📔⬇️

The NIEO(1) agenda was a series of interrelated proposals for reforms in the structure, governance, and norms of the GLOBAL ECONOMY designed to improve the relative position of so-called developing countries. Specifically, the NIEO Declaration called for: the absolute right of states to control the extraction and marketing of their domestic natural resources, the creation and recognition of state-run resource cartels to fix and price commodities. Regulation of multi-national companies to control cases such as: FRAUDULENTLY CRIMES OF BUSINESSMEN and COMMERCIAL companies in the international arena and rulemaking according to the principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO) & the development and production process by international laws and regulations to prevent fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, rent , dumping, monopolies and ECONOMIC MAFIA CARTELS and NON-INTERFERENCE of INDIVIDUALS in governments influence the legal procedure and international custom.

The granting of preferential (nonreciprocal) trade preferences to countries in the south; and the forgiveness of certain debts that states in the south owed to the north. Together, all these proposals amounted to an assertion of the economic sovereignty of postcolonial states.

Important Explanation & Summary 🖋️📖

Although the origins of some of these demands can be traced back to the Mexican Revolutionary Constitution of 1917 or even earlier, the closer intellectual origins of these ideas come from the pioneering work in development economics by the Argentine economist Raul Perbish, first as president of the Economic Commission for Latin America.

 ECLA (2) from the late 1940s and then as founding Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) from the early 1960s.5 together with Hans W. Singer, German-British economist. Perbish hypothesized that in the absence of regulatory intervention, the terms of trade between commodity producers and producers would deteriorate over time. The Singer-Prebisch thesis not only offered a political critique of the inferior economic position to which imperial powers had historically assigned their colonies as primary producers. It also provided a clear path forward: international trade had to be managed to prevent the terms of trade from deteriorating, and northern governments and companies had to provide capital, technology, and expertise to enable the south to develop. The industrial base of the Singer-Perbish thesis itself is not only the cornerstone of dependency theory and the next world systems theory. It also provided the underlying rationale for import-substitution industrialization strategies as well as the NIEO's demands.6 Indeed, under Parbish's leadership in the 1960s, UNCTAD became the primary site for formulating and promoting NIEO's various economic claims.

Calibration & Scientifically Achievement 🖋️🗒️

1️⃣Government Policies

A country’s government can have a major effect on its balance of trade due to its policies on subsidizing exporters, restrictions on imports, or lack of enforcement on piracy.

2️⃣Manufactured Products

The method of importation used by a country depends on the type of goods being transported and the location of the countries in relation to each other. For example, if two trading countries are located on the same continent, then trains and trucks can be used.

3️⃣Lack of Restriction on Piracy

In some cases, a government can affect international trade flows by its lack of restrictions on piracy.

4️⃣Restrictions on Imports

If a country's government imposes a tax on imported goods, the price of foreign goods to consumers will effectively increase.Tariffs are a type of protectionist trade barrier that can come in several forms.

While tariffs may benefit a few domestic sectors, economists agree that free trade policies in a global market are ideal.

Tariffs are paid by domestic consumers and not the exporting country, but they have the effect of raising the relative prices of imported products.

Other trade barriers include quotas, licenses, and standardization, all seeking to make foreign goods more expensive or available in a limited supply.


Tariffs imposed by the US government are on average lower than tariffs imposed by other governments. However, some industries are more protected by tariffs than others. American apparel and agricultural products have historically received greater protection against foreign competition through the imposition of high tariffs on related imports.

5️⃣Different Technologies

The technologically & processes, such as genetic engineering, may not be available domestically. A nation may also import raw materials because they lack the natural resources domestically. Furthermore, a difference in labor costs may influence a company to import items rather than produce them domestically.

6️⃣Economic Policy Cooperation

Trade and economic obligations begin with imposed tariffs and eventually extend to other policies, as is precisely the case with the GAAT(4)

The economic coefficients are as follows

τ import tariff: imposed or binding


Cooperation depth, we divide the policies into four groups, πd = 

{τ, ν, γ, o}


Possible safeguards: eg, anti-dumping, countervailing measures, export taxes

Others: product standards, customs procedures and other technical barriers.

Policies γ behind the border not included in ν that may invalidate national behavior.

State aid, procurement, competition policy.

Other policies may affect market access, but they can also have direct effects. Regional, industrial, agricultural cooperation, financial aid. It's in a deeper deal that not only zeroes the tariff today, but locks it in at the maximum level forever. In other cases, it is less obvious. This is the reason for the separation of RPTA and FTAs

7️⃣The UK Trade Tariff

Certain licensing measures applicable under EU law have been integrated into the UK Trade Tariff. These are the "Common Agricultural Policy " licensing and the import licensing (3)

measures which apply in the UK and all EUmember states. An indication is given in column III of the UK Trade Tariff against the goods descriptions and codes to which these measures apply.The Board of Trade may by order make such provisions as the Board think expedient for prohibiting or regulating, in all cases or any specified classes of cases, and subject to such exceptions, if any, as may be made by or under the order, the importation into, F1..., the United Kingdom or any specified part thereof, F1..., of all goods or goods of any specified description.

An order under this section may be varied or revoked by a subsequent order.

An order under this section may suspend wholly or in part the operation of any enactment, proclamation, Order in Council or order prohibiting or regulating the importation, F2... of any goods; and an order under this section may contain such provisions as appear to the Board of Trade to be necessary for securing the due operation and enforcement of the order.

For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that, without prejudice to the provisions of the "F3enactments for the time being in force relating to customs or excise" with respect to ships and aircraft, the taking into F4... the United Kingdom of ships or aircraft may be prohibited or regulated by an order under this section as an importation F4... of goods, notwithstanding that the ships or aircraft are conveying goods or passengers, and whether or not they are moving under their own power.

Reference ⬇️


2-Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 - text of the preamble and body of the 1940 act, published in Comparative Law Series, Vol. III, No. 7, July 1940, U.S. Department of Commerce

