Graphics in ancient civilizations; Shapes(Case study: Persians from Achaemenids Empire to Qajar Dynasty)

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 315

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آبان 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Graphics, as we know them, are the main communicational tool which are able to convey all the meanings without using words, in another word, it has been a tool to communicate thousand years before we learned to communicate through words. The importance of graphic and graphic designs are rooted in our very history, the days that we used graphics to give instructions or orders or to give hope or despair. Nowadays, graphics and graphic design are all around us, it’s not only on the surfaces of canvases, walls and papers, but it is also on social media, on our cloth, on our cars and on almost every product packages that we use. So this makes graphic design essential to this new world. Graphics are mainly, made of shapes and colors and images, this is all up to the designer how to use those tools to make a graphic witch conveys all the meanings that are required. I have, for months, studied different aspects of graphics similarities and the more I study the better I understand the importance of the shapes in the graphic designs, It could be said that half of the meaning could be conveyed through shapes. I studied shapes and their meaning form ancient times to the modern era, and I have found many similarities between the meaning and usage of shapes in different ancient cultures, but the most amazing thing about the ancient graphics are those unique shapes that are used in them and in this article I’m going to cover some of the main shapes used in some ancient civilizations back to 2000 BC.

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Alireza Moradi

CEO at Dandelion Designers Co., Tehran, Iran