Retrospective Evaluation of Operations done under Hypnosis in Turkiye with AUCH© (Awareness Under Conscious Hypnosis) Method between 1971-2018

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 384

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 دی 1398

چکیده مقاله:

In this presentation, the surgical operations performed in Turkey by using AUCH© method during perioperative, operative, and postoperative periods will be presented in a retrospective aspect between 1971 and 2018. It will also be discussed how it is possible to get hypnoanesthetic state without the use of any chemical analgesics and anaesthetics before, during, and after the surgery.AUCH© method is founded by Husnu Ismet Ozturk, MD. as a conscious hypnosis methodin 1951; and its main principles and steps were declared by Ali Ozden Ozturk, MD in 2004.AUCH© method can be used in different fields of medicine such as surgical medicine, hypnoanesthesia, dentistry, gynecology and obstetrics, pain management, psychosomatics, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, addictions etc.AUCH© method has three main steps: MAYA (Making Acceptance with Your Awareness), Induction, and Autohypnosis . It aims to make the necessary changes in awareness, differentiation, and feelings.In this method, the patient is fully conscious. In addition, the patient is completely aware of the suggestions given and the things happening around. During the presentation, video recordings for various operations done under AUCH© method will be demonstrated. Moreover, you will have the chance to watch a patient giving delicious recipes or singing together with doctors while being operated.In addition, the benefits and advantages of taking the benefit of hypnosis for surgical operationswill be illustrated. Furthermore, the positive effect of using hypnosis in surgerieswill be discussed by elaborating various surgery relevant outcomes such as emotional distress, pain, pain medication consumption, physiological parameters, recovery, and treatment time (length of procedure and inpatient stay).
