The Survey of American government s actions to the captives

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 293

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 شهریور 1398

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Human history is full of the bloody battles and terrifying that it has paid for costing the thousands of innocent people by Their Blood. This were caused, that the burning heart of human society try to prevent the spread and scope of the war to develop of a rules and norms for humanitarian, by the aim of protecting the rights of prisoners war and reducing suffering and the pains. The war, murder, and plunder, increasing quest for great power, oppression, vulnerability of small countries and poor nations, ignoring the rights of nations, and all long-established since the beginning of human history as the War is inseparable from the birth of human, but the birth of congenital hatred in his heart is caused to destroy him, and until, don’t Seeing its corruption, and can never be settled.victims are constructed and treated as juridical monsters: living corpses, grief-stricken, and volatile hybrids, irreconcilable bodies of threat and bearers of rights, caught between a politics of pity and a politics of risk, moving from suffering beings to dangerous beings to half-dead beings, caught between life and death. By outbreak of war, the first issue occurs after of the homelessness thousands of lives and huge economic crisis, to capture both sides in this conflict, that is the number of people who never with a huge flood men and women to encounter enemy prisoner that should be caught and spent many years as a prisoner of war in enemy territory, So that maybe after the war to return to their homes. A rule governing the treatment of prisoners of war is one of the defining aspects of human rights in international armed conflicts, which actually is higher than the other relevant provisions of the executive power. In this context, the present paper familiar with based on international humanitarian law, prisoners of war captives, which will examine the behavior of America s government.

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Hani talai

Master of International Law, Damghan Unit, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran