The Influence of Radiation Heat Transfer on the Flame Propagation through Micro Organic Dust Particles with Non-Unity Lewis Number

سال انتشار: 1389
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,603

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 تیر 1389

چکیده مقاله:

The present paper is devoted to the study of the effects of radiation and non-unity Lewis number on the laminar premixed flames of organic dust clouds. It is presumed that the fuel particles vaporize first to yield a gaseous fuel, which is oxidized in the gas phase. In order to simulate the combustion process, the flame structure is composed of four zones; a preheat zone, a vaporization zone, a reaction zone and finally a post flame zone, respectively. Then the governing equations, required boundary conditions and matching conditions are applied for each zone and the standard asymptotic method is used in order to solve these differential equations. Consequently the important parameters on the combustion phenomenon of organic dust particles such as gaseous fuel mass fraction, organic dust mass fraction and burning velocity with the various numbers of radius and Lewis number are plotted in figures. This prediction has a reasonable agreement with experimental data of micro-organic dust particle combustion.Under the rich mixture approximation, values of flame temperature, and burning velocity were calculated by adding the radiation term; radiation in rich mixture resulted in the increase of flame speed and gas phase temperature in the preheat zone.


M Bidabadi

Associate Professor, Iran University of Science & Technology

S Montazerinejad

Graduate Student, Iran University of Science & Technology

S.A Fanaee

M.Sc.; Iran University of Science & Technology