Description of ornamental traits of F1 OO lily population

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 353

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 مهر 1398

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This report is on the successful OO cross in the lily family. Two Oriental lily cultivars were used, Lilium ‘Sorbonne’,which used as a mother, has a beautiful flower with darker pink spots on petals and Lilium ‘Gaudi’ with large andwhite flowers, in some varieties with light yellow mid veins without a spot on petals which used as a donor plant.This exp eriment was done in vegetables and flowers Institute of CAAS and 261 F F1 plants were producedsuccessfully. Flower color was measured by using NS800 spectrophotometer. The results showed that there was asignificant (P> 0.05) difference between plants in L, A and B. The whitest petal was belonged to plant number 7 andthe darkest was in plant number 123 with the L rate of 83.20 and 51.73 respectively. The lowest amount of A inindividual 163 was -1.87 and the highest was 26.83 in individual 43. The highest an d lowest value of B was obtainedfrom plants 70 and 235 with a rate of 28.48 and 3.48 respectively. It was clearly seen that the highest value of outerpetal length and width produced in group 1and the lowest value was in group 5. For individual plants the maximumlength of outer petal produced in plant number 215 and the minimum in plant number 198 with 16 cm and 8.8 cm,respectively. The number of the spot in the inner petal was much more than the outer petal in all groups. The mostspot number in the inn er and outer petal produced in individual number 209 and 197 with the amount of 207 and 99respectively. Group 1 had the largest and group 5 had the smallest spot size in the inner petal while the largest sizeof the spot in the outer petal produced in fir st and second groups and the smallest was in group 5th. The results ofthe experiment showed that there is a significant difference (P > 0.01) between groups in plant height and also there is a mutual correlation between leaf number and flower number. The highest number of leaf and flower belong to group 1 and by going to group 5 the amount of both characters were decreased. The total flowering period was35days. The results emphases that the highest and lowest rate of vase life obtained from group 1 and 5 with the rate of 8.69 and 10.91 days, respectively. Early flowering led to decrease the vase life in all plants.


Younes Pourbeyrami hir

Horticultural department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Faculty, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, I.R. Iran- Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, ۱۰۰۰۸۱, P. R. China

Ming Jun

Horticultural department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Faculty, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, I.R. Iran