Application of Value Engineering in the Design and Implementation of Dam channel and Storage Pump Power Plant (Case Study of Siah Bishe Project)

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 492

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 مهر 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Dams and Power Plants of Siah Bisheh are the first projects of the dams and Storage Pump Power Plant in Iran. The project is located 125 kilometers north of Tehran, Mazandaran province, which due to its proximity to the Siah Bisheh village it s called the same name. The purposes of this project are to create a balance in the consumable power grid of the country at high and low consumption hours, reduce the cost of thermal power of amortization, create a recreational and tourism environment in the region, and create job creation during the implementation and operation. This project has been found of two upper and lower dam and a Power Plant which is used of two channels due to the water transformation between the upper and lower dam. according to the relatively large distance between dams from each other and the complex topography of the Siah Bishe project, the design and implementation of channel tunnels have complexity and special importance, which its more important factors are being long route of the channel, passing the channel from the earthquake-prone and fault areas, high water pressure, the presence of tunnels and geological complexity of the area. According to the above subjects, the Siah Bishe projects had been one of the most complex and difficult parts of the project for design and implementation. In this article has been proceeded to the description of the important points of the value engineering application in the design and implementation of the channels, which its results and achievements will be very useful in designing and constructing of other countrys projects.

کلیدواژه ها:

Value engineering ، Dam and Pump Storage Power Plant ، Channel ، Siah Bisheh project


Mojtaba Saeedi

Department of Civil Engineering

Mohammad Reza Kavian pour

Department of Civil Engineering