Eyeball icons classification for authentication using hierarchical Visual Coding

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 507

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 شهریور 1398

چکیده مقاله:

In this article, a brief definition of safety is defined first and the authentication method, which generally consists of three cases. What a user knows like passwords is what the user owns, such as electronic cards and what the user is biologically owning, such as a fingerprint or an iris network pattern that is specific to each individual, then the iris and system Biometrics is explained and then we enter the main discussion of classification of iris images, which includes identifying the iris image alive, classifying the race, and identifying the large iris to the microfilm. The diagnosis of the iris image is carried out in two ways: the first method is to use special features of iridescent images introduced by optics and illuminating iris cameras and a second method which features live iris images based on tissue analysis, which has the advantage of independence Check for iris sensors. In the classification method, based on our argument that the human iris is a biometric element with phenotype and genotype characteristics, and is a fundamental assumption that is able to classify the racial based on the iris tissue. Finally, in the third method, the identification of large-sized iris, which is unique and stable as a biometric method, is used to define the large population in many government and commercial applications. Also, the method used in this study is a Hierarchical Visual Codebook, and its results are compared with three other methods.


Fatemeh Boroumand Moghaddam

Department of Computer, Doroud Branch, Islamic Azad University Doroud, Iran

Majid Farajzadeh

Department of Computer, Doroud Branch, Islamic Azad University Doroud, Iran