RNA motifs and their importance in biological systems

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 436

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 مرداد 1398

چکیده مقاله:

RNA motifs, are structural elements that play important roles in transcription and post transcriptional pathways[1]. Due to the importance of motifs in biological systems and discovery of their new functions, further efforts in this field are of great importance. The computational identification algorithms complete experimental methods for the faster identification of non-coding RNAs in new genomes. Recently, computational learning methods have been used to predict new RNA-motifs that have high precision, sensitivity, and specificity. In this study, QRNA[2], RNAz[3], Cmfinder[4] detection algorithms were investigated and a number of functional and structural motifs were introduced[5]. Among the RNA-motifs studied, the Pseudoknot motif was of particular importance in participating in various biological activities. Among these activities is the change in gene expression of pathogenic in some viruses[6] and the formation of telomerase[7] and self-splicing introns[8], which is one of the most important corrective factors in biotechnology. Another important feature of this motif is the reverse transcriptase-binding inhibitory of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that can be effective in treating this deadly and dangerous disease[9]. The G-bulge motif can also help the medical sciences and treatment of some diseases in future due to the overall infectivity of HIV through genetic engineering techniques[10].


داود نادری

۱دانشگاه زابل. زابل . ایران

علی مقصودی

۲مرکز پژوهشکده زیست فناوری. دانشگاه زابل. زابل. ایران