Investigation of Fluorine Substitution on Conformational Stability and Intermolecular Interaction in Organic Compounds

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 449

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 مرداد 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Certainly, with the advancement of biochemical fields and the availability of more reliable information on biological interactions, fluoride compounds and their biological activity can be easily demonstrated. One of the ways to identify drugs is to fluoride these compounds [1]. Now, twenty percent of commercial drugs are fluoride [2]. In this study, Fluoride compounds are considered as factors for treatment. Since hydrogen and fluorine atoms have very close proximity to the radii, due to the large electronegativity disparity, the replacement of hydrogen with fluorine can have a significant effect on the confinement stability. In this research, the effect of this replacement has been studied in several categories of compounds. we study the effect of fluorine in conformational stability of model compounds to understand its electronic effects in terms of dipole interaction, Hyperconjugation, and hydrogen bonding. The calculations show that the flora substrate can have the relative stability of the configuration and, consequently, the alteration of the spatial composition of the molecules, through the establishment of the hydrogen bond or the effects of repulsion of the electrons. Study on these effects can terminate to Precise control and discuss on all of interaction s molecule-molecule and internal-reaction in Various sectors of biochemistry.


اشرف مرادی

۱دانشگاه زابل، دانشکده علوم، گروه شیمی

آمنه قریشوندی

۲زابل، دانشگاه زابل

فاطمه پیرانی

۳مشهد، دانشگاه فردوسی

زهرا ملایی

۴زابل،دانشگاه زابل