A Structural Approach to Building Damage Risk Management During the Construction of the Bored Tunnel for Mashhad Urban Railway Line No. 2

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 410

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 خرداد 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Ground deformations due to the tunnelling process may pose a threat for buildings and infrastructure objects. The amount of damage that may be induced depends on a combination of the settlement profile along the geometrical and structural characteristics of the building. It is good practice to conduct a Settlement Risk Assessment (SRA) prior to the start of a tunnelling project. Determination of settlements and ground displacement due to tunnelling and building response to these displacements is relatively complex and time consuming. Within project planning however, it is often required to obtain a quick overview of the possible risks related to settlement induced damage. In this article the set-up of a system is proposed that can give a swift insight into the range of possible settlements and related risks. The proposed SRA-system combines finite element modelling (FEM) and a geographical information system (GIS) and facilitates mapping of buildings along the route in different building- and damage classes. Combination of all information in the GIS, applying logical relations result in risk categories for each building and infrastructural object. Through monitoring actual deformations that occur, the SRA database can be updated. If required, precautions to prevent damage can be taken. The proposed system in this article was succesfully applied for the Mashhad Urban Railway Line 2 project. The proposed GIS-based SRA-system is a state of the art tool that can play a major role in processing large amount of data to a number of simple, logical set of rules, in order to predict and control the building damage during the project.


w.p Munsterman

Arthe civil & structure b.v.

m.h.a Brugman

Arthe civil & structure b.v.

a.p Azad