The effect of rehabilitation therapies in a child with Rolandic epilepsye with speech disorder

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 534

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 اردیبهشت 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Background: Rolandic epilepsy (RE) is the most common type of childhood epilepsy. Rolandic cortex is one of important part in the adjacency of speech area such as Broca’s area. Therefore, Rolandic impairment cause speech disorder such as anomia and also cognitive impairment. As limited studies in speech impairment in these children, the aim of this study is the effect of rehabilitation therapies in a child with Rolandic epilepsye with speech disorder. Method: the child was a 4 year old boy who he was referred to speech therapy clinic with complaint of speech delay. He was suffered from convulsion one day after the birth which it was tonic type. The child was controlled with phenobarbital drug but he was suffered from frequent convulsion after 6 month for several times. According to case history there was no convulsion in his family. Speech assessment included DEAP-P test and NUSHA test was done by speech therapist. Finding: As case history, the child had motor delay such walking. Also, he used vocalization and single word when he was 2 and 3 years old. According to DEAP he used frontal consonants. Expressive and receptive vocabularies included 5 and 150. The child in different areas such as Receptive language, auditory skills, social and cognitive skills was the same with a 3 year old child. Used speech therapies consisted of drill play, parallel talk and modeling. As result, developing of expressive up to 40, increasing mean length utterance up to 2 words, developing of receptive vocabularies up to 300 and developing of communication was achieved. Conclusion: As the present study, rehabilitation therapy along with medical treatment can be appropriate for children with convulsion that it develops speech areas as well as communication. Therefore assessment and treatment of speech areas are important for speech therapist.