Investigating Health-related Depression and Quality of Life among Patients Afflicted with Tuberculosis in Bandar Lengeh

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 433

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 اسفند 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction and aims: Such chronic diseases as tuberculosis have short term and long term effects on patients’ quality of life. Due to thehazardous consequences of disrupted quality of life, the present research aims to examine the quality of life along with the intensity ofdepression in patients suffering from tuberculosis hospitalized in Bandar Lengeh’s hospitals.Methods: The present research was a cross-sectional, descriptive study conducted on patients suffering from tuberculosis who visited hospitalsand the healthcare system in Bandar Lengeh in 2015. Census was the sampling method and 30 patients entered the study accordingly. In orderto collect the data, demographic information questionnaire was used along with the Persian version of sf36 and Beck Depression Inventory. Thecollected data were analyzed using tests of correlation, independent-sample t-test as well as ANOVA.Results: 30 patients afflicted with tuberculosis whose average age was 38.0±14.1 years participated in this study. 53.3% of this sample weremale while 46.7% were female. The range of the achieved scores was 59.70±21.69 for vitality domain and was 20.16±77.46 for the mentalcomponents. The total mean score of the quality of life was reported to be higher among men than women and was also higher among thesingle as compared to the married. According to Spearman test a significant negative correlation was found between the quality of life andpatients’ depression (r=-.722).However, no statistically significant difference was reported (p> 0.05).Statistical tests managed to find asignificant negative correlation between these patients’ age and education level. No other significant correlation was found between the othervariables in this study and the quality of life. Nevertheless, a significant negative correlation was observed between these patients’ quality oflife and depression.Conclusions: Tuberculosis affects different aspects of depression and the quality of life such as the physical, functional, contextual, ideologicaland moral aspects. Attending to these differences and the influential factors is essential in order to use healthcare programs to promote thequality of patients’ life. Effective healthcare services currently provided not only help to improve the disease and its symptoms but also improvedifferent aspects of patients’ life which further highlights the importance of curing this disease.

کلیدواژه ها:


Pooneh Yousefi

Social determinants in health promotion research center, Hormozgan university of medical sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran- Student research committee, Hormozgan University of medical sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran

Hossein Heshmati

Student research committee, Hormozgan University of medical sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran

Rozita Heshmati

Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran

Fahimeh Farzad

Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran