سال انتشار: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,415

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 آبان 1388

چکیده مقاله:

Withdrawals of water, the construction of structures, land-use shifts, pollution and habitat modification and destruction have degraded many rivers, lakes and wetlands. In recent decade anthropogenic climate change has also begun to alter fresh water inaccessibility and water scarcity in central and south-west Asia. Climate change may be manifested in different ways, all of which have been observed in recent decades in Iran. Climate variability increase extreme weather events such as floods or droughts and nature destruction by human, increases in the frequency or intensity of events. This force will continue to strengthen for the foreseeable future. Drought disaster is still a serious problem in this region due to global warming and human activity. Adopting water management, strong institutions, and appropriate governance are essential for integrating drought risk issues into a sustainable development and disaster risk reduction process. An efficient demand management of the available water resources in country needs to deal with the following issues: safeguarding water to meet basic needs for various uses, minimizing water losses, allocating scarce water for socioeconomic development, and protecting the environment from degradation and loss of productive capacity. Water demand management is not just as a technology to apply or a programme to deliver, but is a form of governance. Training farmers in special techniques such as soil and water conservation, water harvesting, small-scale irrigation can play a major role in the process of drought mitigation. In this paper first we illustrated some reason of climate change in central and south-west Asia especially in Iran and in second step pres ent some recommends and strategy to verify the conflict condition to safeguarding water supply for better life of human and protecting underground water and keeping rivers alive. In general two important points can be suggested: developing regional and national policy and planning for drought disaster mitigation and establishment of regional centre for drought monitoring, risk assessment, and the identification of appropriate risk reduction measures.


Alireza Daemi

Director General of Water Planning Bureau - Ministry of Energy- Iran