The Effect of Sex and Slaughter Age in Some Blood Traits of Broiler Chicks Ross 308

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 379

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آبان 1397

چکیده مقاله:

This experiment was conducted at poultry field in the Ministry of Science and Technology/ Agricultural Research Office/ Animals resources and fisheries center during the period from 23/3 /2016 until 5/5/2016, to study the effect of sex and age of slaughter in some blood traits of broiler chicks Ross 308. One hundred and eighty chicks (male and female) with one day age were breeded and fed in free form on the initiator s ration until the age of 28 days. The males were then separated from the females and fed freely the growth ration until the slaughter age. 20 birds were slaughtered which consist of 5 males and 5 females at 42 days age, and 5 males and 5 females at 49 days age. Glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, globulin, uric acid, ALT, GPT, and the level of phosphorus in the serum were measured. The results showed that there was no effect of the interaction between sex and age at the slaughter on all studied traits. No significant effect was recorded for either sex or the slaughter age for glucose, albumin, globulin, total protein, globulin, and the level of phosphorus, GPT, GOT and VLDL in the blood serum. While the uric acid level has risen in males compared to females. The females was significantly recorded a higher level of cholesterol and triglyceride than males birds at 42 days of age. Blood cholesterol rose at 42 days. There was no effect of the interaction with the age of the slaughter in the blood trains and the effect of sex was evident in the composition of fats and had no effect in proteins.

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Mohannad M. AL-Rekabi

Ministry of Science and Technology / Agricultural and Biological Research office.Iraq

Nihad Abdulateef Ali

College of Agriculture / University of AL-Qasim Green.Iraq

Iman H. L-Dulaimi

Ministry of Science and Technology / Agricultural and Biological Research office.Iraq

Osama S. AL-Obaidi

Ministry of Science and Technology / Agricultural and Biological Research office.Iraq