Comprehensive review on bilayer and composite helical structures by using finite element method and their applications

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 346

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 آبان 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Multilayered structures driven by misfit strain and residual stress are extensively investigated because of their applications in nature and industry such as micro-electro mechanical /nano -electromechanical systems. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing issues related to the behavior of mis-orientation multilayer structures under misfit strain also residual stress. It is worth noting that the most of the results are obtained by finite element methods (FEM). We use this method for analysis design of controllable deformation of non-homogeneous bi-layer and multilayer structures driven by misfit strain and residual stress or initial strain. In addition, during this research the effect of Poisson ratio has also been studied.According to the predictions made in the elastic theory, the ribbon that is made of different sexes and also loaded under a mis-Orientation of a non-zero component stress (with a residual stress) has a pure twist. It can also be shown that for a constant Poisson ratio, the transition from a spiral shape to a cylindrical structure occurs when the width of the layers is increased or their thickness is reduced. Additionally, if the force of action is large enough, this deformation will occur. The important results of the review work are the powerful demonstration of the finite element simulation technique for the design of controllable strain structures for applications in MEMS / NEMS, bio-robotics, sensors, drug delivery, piezoelectric, morphing structures, active materials and optoelectronic


Farshad Pourtaghi

Bachelor of mechanical engineering, Eqbal Lahoori Institute of Higher Education (ELIHE), Mashhad, Iran

Farzad Moayyedian

Assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering, Eqbal Lahoori Institute of Higher Education (ELIHE), Mashhad, Iran.