Identity,Language,and Rights: A Critical Theory Perspective

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 306

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 مرداد 1397

چکیده مقاله:

This paper is an attem pt to fill the gap in the literature by presenting a language policy form ulated according to the idea of constitutional patriotism that overcom es the charge of ineffectiveness. I will argue that the procedural character of constitutional patriotism and its em phasis on the practice of law-m aking is best suited to allow for a pragm atic answer to the questions of language policy-m aking in m ulticultural societies. U nlike the instrum ental and intrinsic argum ents, the pragm atic approach views language as the m atrix of com m unication where the goal of engaged citizens is m utual understanding. The pragm atic approach is also m ore effective because unlike the principled approaches, which tend to hom ogenize the com position of diverse societies, it constrained by (1) values of political culture of the society; (2.a) historical contingencies such as the founding role of national m inorities; and (2.b) practical feasibilities such as size, vitality and concentration of linguistic populations. In recent years the norm ative status of m inority rights as a species of hum an rights has been widely discussed by political theorists. In this context, the issue of m inority language rights is one of the m ost hotly contested topics in the prevailing debate over the claim s of culture. M ainstream political theories approach this topic differently, depending on their view of an appropriate m odel of political association. Liberal egalitarians em phasize the significance of the liberal ideals of neutrality and autonom y in deciding appropriate language policy, while liberal culturalists focus on the constitutive role of language and culture for the individual’s exercise of rights and liberties that translate into a language policy that ranges from recognitions and accom m odation to m aintenance and protection of group identity and language.

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Omid Payrow Shabani

Assistant Professor at Philosophy Department of University of Guelph