Matching Iranian Project Manager’s Competencies to Project Type (Case Study: IT and Construction industry Projects)

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 456

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 مرداد 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Project success or failure is affected by many context factors such as project manager’scompetency. Regarding to importance of project manager’s competency in projectsuccess, this research aims to analyze the importance of project manager’scompetencies based on project type and complexity. According to mix method of theresearch, after reviewing project management literature and identifying mentionedcompetencies for project manager, eight interviews with senior managers in twocompanies (construction and IT) were done to verify/correct identified competencies.Then, a questionnaire was made in quantitative part of research and sent to 35senior,executive and project managers in the two selected IT and constructioncompanies to rank the importance of identified competencies and specifying complexityor simplicity of construction and IT projects in mentioned companies. The results wereanalyzed by Anova test. The findings of ranking project manager’s competencies showthat leadership, project stakeholder management and project integration management inthe construction project (simple type), result orientation, tracking and pledge to do workand project integration management in construction projects (complex type), projectcost management, negotiation ability and project integration management in IT projects(simple type) and project integration management, project scope management andproject cost management in IT projects (complex type), are the most importantcompetencies.


Sina Moradi

Master of Construction and Project Management ,Tehran,Iran

Hani Arbabi

Associate Professor of Project Management Department,Art Faculty,Tarbiat ModaresUniversity, Tehran,Iran

Yaser Goldust Jouybari

PhD Student of Construction and Project Management,Tarbiat Modares Univeristy,Tehran,Iran