Application of Radial Jet Drilling for Improved Oil Recovery in Iranian Reservoir

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 515

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 مرداد 1397

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According to most Iranian reservoir in second half life and they produced for more time so that decrease pressure and reduce oil production potential is observed. This phenomena it can be caused increase production problem like asphaltine deposition, unwanted fluid production, Reduce cementing, reduce wellhead pressure and etc.Radial jet drilling technique utilizes hydraulic energy to create several lateral holes in different directions and level with several lengths. These lateral holes are made by milling the casing with small bit then by extending these holes laterally using high pressure hydraulic jetting.Radial jet drilling technique make long lateral hole with compare of conventional perforation around the wellbore to improve flow path and decrease pressure drop and therefor increase production index.Radial drilling is a fast method to rehabilitate and optimize wells using modified coiled tubing technology 50mm diameter lateral holes are drilled using high pressure fluid, up to 100m from the well bore. Development of the technology aims at improving its applicability and effectiveness and remains ongoing. Nevertheless, creating open-hole laterals by jetting can be regarded as proven technology.It should be noted that this method in various pressure and temperature and depth condition is applicable and in operational condition have some constraint. However due to the most of NISOC reservoir condition this method is appropriate alternative to use stimulation technique in wells.


Mohammad Hossein Zarei

National Iranian south oilfield company, Ahwaz, Iran

Mohammad Hossein Haydari Jula

National Iranian south oilfield company, Ahwaz, Iran

Maryam Mohammadpour

National Iranian south oilfield company, Ahwaz, Iran