Individual independence and social puberty in the Green houses of orphans and unsupervised children

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 488

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 تیر 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Given the daily increasing figures of orphans and observance of behavioral, emotional and mental issues of unsupervised children which are initiated by separation from family zone, it seems there is felt a sort of consideration and time devotion upon such concern. Children who are nurtured in circumstances bereft of any love nor any kind of sympathy and compassion, shall be liable to be on the exposure of ethical, social, emotional and mental calamities. On the surface, such mental and ontological catastrophes are not merely self-oriented but rather they involve and entangle the whole society and social orders. The most common disorders among orphans and those with unsupervised conditions are lack of self-freedom, nonexistence of social puberty, lack of confidence and bizarre behavior due to seizing attentions. Architectures who in accordance to thinkers and cultural reformers, are pioneers of society, has got lots of things to do due to make society keeping go on straightly to the civilization and cultural amendments. If we cogitate upon this fact that architecture does have this ability to cause social amendments, we shall be able to define the soared territory by making sort of conciliation and harmony between humanity, culture and architecture by subverting the negative ambiences. Training has the utmost influence upon which, societies accomplish to cultural reforms. The aim of this article is to find a new shelter for observing and supporting the orphans. This procedure has a tendency toward persistence in realm of training, diligence in hard working and exertion and increasing concern upon obligation and responsibilities. Creating a decent circumstance in training firmament, learning and sheltering orphans and conciliation with those who are supported-ones, creating a condition for living, enhancing children’s emotional, mental and physical condition and nurturing orphan’s innermost talents due to achieving a certain level of social interactions for children to be accepted by society, are among the aim of such writing. The finding of this article align with sociological and psychological investigations proved that, grounding the training courses and workshops, in the field of providing entertainment and anything of which we can make an evolution in children’s characters and discovering new talents, shall make a more vivacious and lively condition for orphans and those of needy.

کلیدواژه ها:

Optimum space. Orphan. Skill. Social puberty


Fatemeh hossein zadeh silakhori

Master of Architecture, Damghan Azad University