Reality or Unreality, Prediction of Architecture Dreams

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 389

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 خرداد 1397

چکیده مقاله:

This paper examines some of the potential capabilities and usefulness of Augmented Reality (AR),in architecture and interior design. Our main objective is to find out the extent and areas that thistechnology is more useful and favorable for architects and designers using a deductive reasoning in a dialectic way. In particular we focus on Microsoft HoloLens this is one of the latest technology in AR. We argue that augmented reality glasses such as Microsoft HoloLens are able to address a wide range of architectures’ and designers’ needs. Examples of these areas will be provided in which 3D Studio Max projects are converted to Holographic objects and added to the reality using Microsoft HoloLens. Our preliminary findings show that Augmented Reality (AR) has significant benefits: AR could create flexibility in architecture and interior design; AR can save energy, time and money; AR can be useful in construction and reconstruction projects; AR provides educational opportunities for architecture students; Hologram in scale 1/ 1 enables the user to walk through the project before the actual construction, we also present some of the existing problems with AR devices such as the HoloLens including potential side effects if used continuously, and that its use by current architecture students may require a sharp learning curve. The paper concludes that AR capabilities in architecture and design could be best achieved through multidisciplinary projects that involve architecture and AR developers


Amir Imani

Ph.D. student in Planning, Design, Architecture technology,La Sapienza University of Rome

Mahnaz Sarlak

Ph.D. student in Landscape and Environment,La Sapienza University of Rome