New and Simple Method to Prevent Prostate Cancer and Reduce PSA

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 598

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 خرداد 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Based on the researches , one of the most common cancer among the men is malignant prostate cancer. Which seen after surgery and gland removing completely the amount of PSA in patient increases again and available drugs which have severe side effects cannot affect on rising the PSA. One parameter that without it cancer cells are not able to reproduce is Glutamine Amino Acid. With studying humanity biochemical pathway and Glutamine Amino Acid reabsorbing pathways by cancer cells we understand that two material Ursolic Acid and Resveratrol could dock with a lots of Allosteric Enzymes inside the reabsorbing pathway Glutamine Amino Acid by cancer cells. That inactive enzymes therefore more than 90 % reabsorbing pathways Glutamine Amino Acid will be closed. Docking these two materials Ursolic Acid and Resveratrol with Allosteric enzymes reabsorbing pathways Glutamine Amino Acid by cancer cells and inactivating enzymes with softwares Autodock-vina and QSAR has been checked. Also Curcumin could stimulate Apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Since three above substances (Resveratrol, Curcumin, Ursolic acid) exist in available compounds like skin of red apple, turmeric and black grapes, men above forty years old can reduce risk of prostate cancer by combining a big apple with some turmeric and black grapes (as a potion or juice). So it can protect from prostate cancer. After prostate surgery, PSA may raise again. Consumption of this potion in these cases can replace current medications with several adverse effects.Since we could find Ursolic Acid in red apple skin and Resveratrol in black grape and Curcumin in Turmeric, we could extraction and combine these three material and with determining the amount of doze make a medicine. Then doing the next steps like animal test, toxic test and human test. Base on human gene plan (HGP) and humanity biochemical pathway lack of Allosteric enzymes which by two material Ursolic Acid and Resveratrol will be inactivate and therefore non-proliferation prostate cancer cells.


Ali Ameri Siahooei

Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences Bandar Abbas, Islamic Republic of Iran