The role of vitamin d in colon cancer

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 535

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 اسفند 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Vitamin D plays a substantial role in the regulation of calcium and maintenance of phosphorus levels in the blood, two factors that are extremely important for maintaining healthy bones. Most of thesebiological actions of vitamin D are now considered through receptors (VDR) in often cells and several tissues. These special tissues have the potency to change the early form inactive to the active form.VDR may represent extra-skeletal effects from vitamin D. The VitD–VDR complex can adjust the expression several genes, containing multiple with antitumor attributes. There is a growing body of datashowing the association of increased risk of bowel, breast, prostate and skin cancers with VDR gene polymorphisms as well as with its expression. Moreover, reviews suggest a potential role of vitamin Dand its supplements as an assistant chemotherapeutic factor. In particular, documents offer that vitamin D can decrease both the progression and development into colorectal cancer (CRC). Literaturesearches in different databases, including PubMed, and Scholar Google was done in order to evaluate the correlation of vitamin D levels and colon cancer. Different studies showed the relationshipbetween vitamin D levels and risk of colon cancer. Additional, findings indicate improved CRC with high vitamin D levels. Studies demonstrated a reverse relationship between cancer occurrence andsunlight. Although, documents that genetic agents connected with pathways effect on cancer survival and vitamin D metabolism perhaps used for the counter so worry and assistance a causal connection.Meta-analyses illustrated a relationship between persons with higher 25(OH)D levels with decreased risk of colon cancer. In aggregate, the expression of 1-α-hydroxylase and VDR in CRC cells lead tosupporting the hypothesis, which indicates the preventive effect of vitamin D in colorectal carcinogenesis.


Ameneh Timar

Molecular Medicine Group, Department Of Modern Sciences And Technologies, School Of Medicine,Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

Hamideh Ghazizadeh

Molecular Medicine Group, Department Of Modern Sciences And Technologies, School Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

Zahra Farjami

Molecular Medicine Group, Department Of Modern Sciences And Technologies, School Of Medicine,Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran . Department Of Medical Genetics, Faculty Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

Majid Ghayour Mobarhan

Molecular Medicine Group, Department Of Modern Sciences And Technologies, School Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran . Biochemistry Of Nutrition Research Center, School Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Ma