Effect of emotion regulation skill training based on dialectical behavior therapy upon emotional self- regulation and procrastination due to exhaustion.

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 218

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Management and regulation of emotions as internal and external process makes important contributions in controlling, assessment and changing of emotional reactions into access of goals and aims and reduction of many behavioral problems such as procrastination. This research was conducted with 60 boy subjects of high school in order to determine effectiveness of emotion regulation training on affective styles. The randomly selected subjects were divided randomly to three groups of experimental, placebo and control. Instruction lasted 11 sessions and results showed the instruction of emotion regulation is effective on emotional self- regulation and reduction of procrastination due to psychic and physical exhaustion. Also results showed that instruction of emotion regulation is effective on emotion regulation and procrastination due to psychic and physical exhaustion equally (Eta=0.16).


Javad Einipour

(Ph.D) Correspondent Author: Assistant professor of psychology department, faculty of administrative and supportive science and technology. Amin police University