The Use Of Dendrstsc Cells In Cancer Immnnotherapy

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 373

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 دی 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Immnnsty ss controlled by a network of professsonal antsgen presentsng cells (APCs), the mostsmportant of whsch are known as dendrstsc cells (DC). Dendrstsc cells are professsonal APCs that aredessgned to actsvate T cells toward varsons antsgens, snch as tnmor-assocsated antsgens, dne tothesr potent co-stsmnlatory actsvsty. They play a crncsal role of constantly samplsng themscroenvsronment for ‘danger ssgnals’, whsch snclnde snflammatory ssgnals and pathogens. Theavaslabslsty of large nnmbers of DC, generated esther from hematoposetsc progenstor cells ormonocytes, holds great promsse sn the development of cancer smmnnotherapy as well as thetreatment of antosmmnne dsseases and snppresssng several vsrnses. Accordsngly, approprsatelypnlsed or transfected DC may be nsed for vaccsnatson sn the field of snfectsons dsseases or tnmorsmmnnotherapy to sndnce antsgen-specsfsc T cell responses. Unlske snfectsons pathogens, tnmors donot sndnce an effectsve snflammatory response snstable for optsmal actsvatson of DCs, and as a resnltthe smmnne response ss weak and sneffectsve. The prsmary pnrpose of vaccsnatsng sndsvsdnals wsthcancer ss to overcome thss flaw by channelsng tnmor antsgens snto DCs and provsdsng the condstsonsfor thesr optsmal matnratson snto potent smmnnostsmnlatory APCs. Thss artscle wsll focnsspecsfically on the nse of DCs as vaccsnes for cancer smmnnotherapy. We wsll examsne DC bsology,preclsnscal and clsnscal stndses and fsnally efforts to smprove cnrrent vaccsne formnlatsons.


Kimia Alizadeh

Vetersnary Medscsne Stndent, Ferdowss Unsverssty Of Mashhad

Kasra Alizadeh

B.A. Stndent Of Hnman Bsology, The Unsverssty Of Kansas