A Review on Green Inhibitors of Reinforcement Concrete Corrosion

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 501

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 آذر 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Deterioration of the rebar due to corrosion is a serious problem fordurability of reinforced concrete (RC) structures as it leads to asignificant loss public and industrial sections. Various approaches, suchas cathodic protection, application of epoxy protective layer on therebar, application of cover and coating on the concrete to make itimpermeable to the invasive and aggressive agent materials, applicationof chemical material to prevent or delay the corrosion, have beenapplied to fight against this destructive phenomenon. It is widelyaccepted that one of the most effective and thus frequently appliedmethods is the application of chemical corrosion inhibitors. In the lastdecade these chemicals have been increasingly on demand; however,the downside is that the available chemicals in the market are toxic anddangerous to the environment. Hence, during the last two decades’researchers have switched their attention on Green Corrosion Inhibitors.The present paper analysis the non-toxic corrosion inhibitors inreinforced concrete based on the studies conducted on green inhibitors.The inhibitors will be introduced based on not only environmentallyfriendliness, but also efficiency, availability, being economical, ease ofapplication, and other criterion.


Seyed Alborz Majzob Hosseini

Founder and Researcher of Abadgaran Chemical Technology Development Research Group, Abadgaran Construction Chemical Industry CO, Tehran, Iran

Shahram Poorzare

Researcher at Abadgaran Chemical Technology Development Research Group

Amir Hakimi Asiabar

Researcher at Abadgaran Chemical Technology Development Research Group

Elham Amerei

Researcher at Abadgaran Chemical Technology Development Research Group