The applications of ‘BOW-TIE’ methodology in the environmental risk management process (Aspects, impacts and barriers analysis)

سال انتشار: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,792

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 بهمن 1387

چکیده مقاله:

Due to the complication of petroleum and petrochemical companies, it is not easy for the HSE managers to identify all environmental risk factors. In this paper the complete ‘BOW-TIE’ methodology is mapped into the significant impacts mitigation model via different barriers inside ‘BOW-TIE’ diagrams. By avoiding quantification of risk, this technique is extended to relationships between the threats, barrier systems, and environmental aspects and impacts which have been created by corporation activities, products or services.It has been accepted in environment practice that better understanding of the ‘BOW-TIE’ methodology by the environment experts would facilitate comprehensive involvement of the experts into environmental risk management resulting in improved environment and the resilience of the environmental management system (EMS). In this Article, after dealing with briefly description of the bow tie method history, environmental aspects and impacts identification is presented in the form of bow ties with barriers linked to corporation activities. The barriers (risk controls) are the main handles for controlling the threats. In addition, knowledge of major environmental releases and spills during normal, abnormal and emergency situation, facility operations and maintenance are set in barriers. Furthermore barrier failures will be illustrated within the presented environmental ‘BOW-TIE’ example. For the objectives of this Article, barriers are categorized according to the decision about the effectiveness of a barrier in case of a threat initiation. A three-main level of effectiveness is anticipated based on the following types of the barriers:• Technical barrier (effectiveness is high) •Human/Organizational barrier (medium effectiveness) • Fundamental barrier (low effectiveness) This article concludes with some advantages and benefits of ‘BOW-TIE’ methodology to improve environmental risk management process.


Reza Sheikhbagloo

MSc in Construction Management student, University of Grenoble, France Urmia Petrochemical Company HSEQ Manager

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