Analysis of ten contemporary outstanding museums architectural design components

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 467

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مهر 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Contemporary museums play an important role in the society not only as cultural identity models but also as the centerof tourism active attraction and promotion of economic infrastructures. Optimal architectural design requiresinvestigation on similar spaces and contemporary successful museums. By the aim of creating successful architecturalspaces this research analyzed the world contemporary important museums architectural design components. Theresearch method was descriptive and analytical and the research tool was documentary and content analysis of thestudied museums space architecture. Ten outstanding museums were investigated including: Digital Museum ofRomania (2013), Museum of Medieval Ireland (2013), Arizona Musical Instruments Museum (2010), Switzerland PaulKlee Museum (2005), France Museum of Volcanic (2002), Milwaukee Art Museum of America (2001), GermanyJewish Museum of Berlin (1998), The Carpet Museum of Tabriz Second Architectural Competition (2006), TehranMuseum of Contemporary Art (1977) and Tehran Carpet Museum (1961). The results of analysis of the architecturaldesign concepts in ten mentioned museums have referred to existence of ten main indicators in these works. Theseindicators are as follows according to maximum employment of elements: architectural ideas, project concept, andmanner of placing the project in the site, museum construction, museum structure, museum spatial organization,museum interior spaces circulations, form, external façade and materials. The findings of this research can be used inarchitectural design of museums spaces in contemporary period.


Parvin Banaei Yeganeh

M.A at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Department of Architecture, Tabriz, Iran

Hassan Sattari Sarbangoli

Assistant professor at Islamic Azad University,Tabriz Branch,Department of Architecture,Tabriz,Iran