The effects of the interior plants on the health and quality of the environment

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 575

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مهر 1396

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Nowadays, air pollution in cities has been proposed as a major problem .density of some pollutants in indoorspaces is much greater than the external spaces. In addition, communities are struggling with mental health problems like depression that is a part of human health.Plants act as biological filters and in addition to reducing carbon dioxide, moisture and reduce pollution in theinterior they help the psychological aspects of human. Reduce anxiety, make the humans happy and avoid depression, especially in modern societies. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of plants on the health and quality of interior environment.Indoor air may be polluted by lead, formaldehyde, fire barriers and radon. Plants can purify air from gases suchas formaldehyde and benzene pollution of the air.An interesting point about the role of plants in mental health is that they are associated with nature and enjoyingfrom their beauty is a simple way, but it s important to relax the soul and spirit of man by watching plants and their flowers.In this study, selected plants with respect to the items discussed was the rate: benzene, formaldehyde,trichlorethylene, xylene and toluene, ammonia, or a form of flowers and color variation were scored.The results showed that plants Spathiphyllum and Chrysanthemums were selected as the best plants for indoor use Gerbera aurantiaca Mother-in-Law,s Tongue , Jacobinia carntaflamingo flower and Liriupe stood in the next rank.


Soroosh Ataee

Department of architecture ,Ferdowsi university ,Mashhad ,Iran

Amirhossein Oliaee

Department of architecture ,Ferdowsi university ,Mashhad ,Iran

Hamed Kamel nia

Department of architecture ,Ferdowsi university ,Mashhad ,Iran