Victims of Bully in Fifteen Primary School in Iran

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 447

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مهر 1396

چکیده مقاله:

The cases of bully in schools and other public areas of our society such as family, work, etc has not been studied cohesively. Hence, in order to obtain information about the victimization of students in school, researchers cannot rely to only speculation or oral form of data to be collected.Therefore, a research is conducting with the purpose to validate the Bully-Victimization scale (B.V.S) among male students in Tehran, Iran. This scale was administered to 100 of 7th, 8th and 9th grade of guidance school students.The scale includes three subscales, which are Physical, Word and Emotional bullying. In this research, a hundred students were randomly selected from Tehran. Next, the participants are needed to complete the B.V.S Inventory.The reliability of the scale were being determined by using the correlation coefficient and the score is 0/99. The word subscale has realibility of 0/99, 0/98 for emotional while physical subscale has realibilty of 0/98 respectively. Next, by using an internal consistency , the reliability of each subscale was also calculated. The findings showed that the emotional subscale correlation gathered from a score of 0/87 to 0/93, while the verbal subscale correlation is from 0/75 to 0/90 and the physical subscale correlation is from 0/61 to 0/89 of the correlation coefficient thus gives significant correlation among the total scores of subscales.The findings of this study demonstrated that (B.V.S) consists of high satisfactory psychometric properties and thus can be a useful tool in assessing the victim of bully cases. These preliminary results provide support for using the subscales to measure the behavior of bully victims among male students. BVS also can be used in research, clinical settings and serves as a screening tool for the common behaviours among bully victims in schools.


Keyvan mahabadi

Master of Clinical Psychology, Department of psychology, Roudehen branch,Islamic Azad

Babak Eslamzadeh

Doctoral Student, Department of Guidance & Counseling Faculty of Education, Allameh Tabataba’i university