Providing administrative pattern to prevent violations in the Iran banking system

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 616

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 شهریور 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Economics is one of the most important global issues, so that security is considered often synonymous with economic security and world powers to establish and impose their domination over other countries use war and economic sanctions. In the past few years, in the banking system of Iran, we observed great number of administrative violations and deviations within the Iran and banking sanctions by foreign countries, which in turn led to the new deviances in banking system of Iran. In this study, researcher tried to identify a model for reducing and preventing deviations administrative deviances in the banking system. In this regard, after studying literature of study and views on administrative deviances and explaining the necessity of dealing with it, we identified and extracted variables affecting the administrative deviances in the banking system by holding in-presence meetings with experts. The affecting factors included 0. Independent and professional central bank 7. Senior managers who are expert and accountable to banking system 3. The systemic monitoring mechanisms 4. Integrated data systems 5. Reforming public administration in banking system 6. Social capitals 2. Media and Informing. In the next step, 011 questions of questionnaire were answered by experts in monitoring, legal, and credit areas of specified banks. Then, they were analyzed and evaluated using SMART PLS software. Results obtained in this study indicate that the mentioned variables have impact in reducing and preventing administrative deviance in the banking system.


Arvin Roozitalab

Master of EMBA – Strategy, Azad Islamic University of Saveh (author)

Maryam Majidi

Supervisor of Management Collage, Azad Islamic University of Saveh