Evaluation and management of the Sustainable Heritage Tourism: the IntegratedFramework Method

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 424

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 شهریور 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Tourism developments in heritage landscapesrequire a comprehensive consideration in order tosustain the consequences of economic, sociocultural,and environmental parameters. In recentyears, these areas as a document of human historyhave become noteworthy, which should keep alivefor present and future generations. In addition, thetourism industry has got into a wider focus becauseof its critical turn on historic sites. Most of thecontemporary perspectives through heritage tourismbased on general guidelines according todevelopments, events, people, urban growths and soon. There is lack of a framework with holisticapproach as a key for evaluation and management ofthis term. This study proposes a new idea towardheritage tourism that consider nearly all socioculture,economic, and environmental aspects. Ifheritage tourism notices all these terms besidesconservative use, the sustainable heritage tourism isthe result. Arguments through interrelation betweentourism, developments, urban growths, people, andthe areas led us to this question: How to evaluateand manage the sustainable heritage tourism overtime and changes To answer it this studyaccomplished with a holistic approach. The finalproposal plan framework is an integrated model thatconsists of two parts: 1st one is the assessmentprocess and the 2nd one is a strategy planning. Themain purpose of this method is to guide a futureplanning upon the sustainable heritage tourism andimprove the ability to conserve the heritage.


Niloofar Safaei

Tehran university

Lena Dorniani

Tehran university