Hydrogen sulfide and organic compounds removal in municipal wastewater using ferrate (VI) and ultraviolet radiation

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 563

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 شهریور 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Background: In this study, ferrate (VI) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation were employed to remove hydrogen sulfide from municipal wastewater resulting in a reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD). Although ferrate (VI) and UV have been used individually for the removal of a few pollutants fromurban and industrial wastewater, there exists no study to investigate the effectiveness of simultaneous utilization of both methods for the removal of hydrogen sulfide and reducing COD.Methods: This study aims to compare the application of UV, ferrate (VI) and UV/ferrate (VI) for the removal of hydrogen sulfide and COD from municipal wastewater in batch mode. Moreover, the effectof many parameters such as ferrate (VI) concentration, temperature, hydraulic retention time (HRT) and pH on ferrate (VI) oxidation power, were investigated.Results: The results of this study demonstrated that for pH less than 2, higher pollutant removal efficiency was obtained. COD removal efficiency could increase up to 68% by adding 1.68 mg/L offerrate (VI), almost 100% of hydrogen sulfide was removed by the same concentration of ferrate (VI). Both hydrogen sulfide and COD removal efficiencies increased as temperature increased to 50°C;nevertheless, further increase in temperature had negative effect on the removal efficiency. The use of UV/ferrate (VI) increased the removal efficiency of both hydrogen sulfide and COD when comparedwith the use of UV and ferrate (VI) individually. UV method was not effective in the removal of hydrogen sulfide. Conclusion: The research findings shed new light on wastewater treatment systems employing UV/ferrate (VI) to decrease both the hydrogen sulfide and COD of municipal wastewater. This new findings will assist in the inaccurate design and effective operation of such systems which can be employed to maintain or improve environmental quality.


Amirreza Talaiekhozani

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Jami Institute of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Zeinab Eskandari

MSc Student, Chemical Engineering Department, Jami Institute of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Marzieh Bagheri

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Jami Institute of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Mohammad Reza Talaei

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran