The scrutinising of seating positions In terms of Ecological Psychology (The sample of Iran-Tabriz Elgoli Park)

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 444

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 مرداد 1396

چکیده مقاله:

In recent years about the urban parks (open spaces), we see that some of them are left empty,they turned into the abstained places and they are not preferred, despite some of them are used andpreferred widely. In other words, we realize the designs made do not appeal to the users and thedesigned spaces serve for the other purposes. In this study, the ecological approach has been adoptedin terms of space-behavior relation on the basis of the question that how more successful spaces canbe designed for seating activities and there was purposed to examine the behavior setting, providedposition, seating and accompanying events. There has been put forward a research model bybenefiting from visual domination and visual privity in other words from Theory of Appleton.Withthis model, the facilities which should be provided to the users by a behavior setting where seatingand accompanying activities come true have been described based on the landscape preference area.Elgoli Park located in Tabriz has been chosen as working area. First of all, the most preferred placesin the park and their behavioral positions have been determined by the data obtained from thequestionnaires. The types of possibilities determined as visual domination-visual privity have beenput forward with the research model created at the end of the study. There has been determined thepositions which provide good facilities especially in terms of visual domination and uninterruptedvisibility are preferred more and these positions have more diversity in terms of behaviour patternsin comparison with other places. There was also determined that visual dominance-visual privityfacilities are evaluated in different ways by different genders and age groups


Roya Farshi Sadabadi

Ankara University, Department of Landscape Architecture- Ankara

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