An Analysis of the Social Functions of the Parks from the Viewpoint of the Citizens

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 613

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 خرداد 1396

چکیده مقاله:

By the development and extension of city life, human beings have been gradually far from natural environment, and building human-made spaces has revealed more environmental, sensual, and spiritual needs of theirs. Generally speaking, the function of landscape gardening in the cities is in such a way that its underestimation would not make the cities be stable. Among the most important issues of stable cities, is social stabilization. Each of the people of a society would make the social capital and are the supply of social and human resources. Development could both improve and destroy such social resources (Shakouyi, 1373). As a result, if parks would be considered essential, as parts of the city area with the function of city service, they could not be separated from the needs of urban society. Hence, landscape gardening should be developed based on the needs of the society, in terms of quality and quantity. There are two parks in the town of Qaemshahr, which are almost designed, and being of 5.2 Hectares along with the general landscape of the city. The landscape budget of the town is 0.33 (2001). In the present research, there has been an attempt at analyzing the qualitative and quantitative development of the parks. As a result, the research hypothesis would be as follow: There would be a significant relationship between the development of parks and the social data of the citizens. The population of the study includes the citizens of three urban areas, among which there were 300 samples, for each there were 100 subjects questioned. The gathered data resulted from the subjects in relation to the urban parks of Qaemshahr, indicated the prioritization of all the gender and age groups to the family recreation in the parks, a direct correlation between the distance between the parks and the how many times a week they would go to the parks. Most of the subjects were more interested in going to local parks. Moreover, the elements and parts of the urban parks were assessed of moderate level by the subjects in Qaemshahr. Totally, the results show a significant relationship between the development of the parks and the social functions.

کلیدواژه ها:

development of the urban parks ، social function ، Qaemshahr


Mohamad Dargahi

M.S. in Urban Planning, faculty member of Farvardin Institute of Higher Education, Qaemshahr, Iran

Marziyeh Lashtoo Aqaei

M.S. in Urban Planning, researcher in urban sciences