Different material in stractoure of Teaching Radiographic Phantoms

سال انتشار: 1387
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,706

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 شهریور 1387

چکیده مقاله:

Objectives:Several decades has passed from the application of radiography technique as an accurate par clinical instrument. X-ray in medical affairs is of great importance especially in radiological examinations. The exact explanation of graphs can prevent most of the systematic diseases and local damages from being started or advanced. from the other side- it should be noted that the radiation of X-ray even in a small amount may cause some risks for the patients. So radiography must be done when obtaining information from radiography is superior to its possible risks for the health and recovery of patients and also the ALARA principle should be observed. For this purpose- we need to simulate the stages of radiography and practiced training of university learners in the laboratories of radio medical by using phantoms of radiography. So that students of university before doing any radiography of body – can test them on phantoms and in this way they can avoid the repetition of radiography which increases the patients intake dose and in general genetic dose . Materials and methods: first of all natural bones of forearm should be provided in a large quantity then it should be fixed according to their anatomy in moulds prepared from forearm. Then they must be filled with different materials like: poly urethane - silicon- resin- lamina- resinfom– solid and liquid paraffin and after shaping them – radiography should be performed and finally it should be compared with the photography of the real limb from the point of physical parameters- film density and photographs contrast . Findings: among materials investigated in addition to solid paraffin used in the preview studies silicon and liquid paraffin also had desirable density . Conclusion: results show that it is possible to prepare these phantoms which are lighter and with better quality in comparison with the previous sample .

کلیدواژه ها:

phantom – radiography – radiation dose


Zahra slamipour

Radiology student

zeinab akbari

Radiology student

ghazal babanouri

Radiology student