Improvement of fluorescence molecular images with a point-spread function using wavelet denoising method

سال انتشار: 1387
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,270

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 شهریور 1387

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: Fluorescence molecular imaging (FMT) has grown to an important tool in biomedical research. This is due to the increasing availability of fluorescent proteins, dyes, and probes that enable the noninvasive study of gene expression, protein function protein-protein interactions, and a large number of cellular processes. However, optical imaging suffers from a poor spatial resolution due to the strong scattering of light in the body tissue. For improving the resolution, we developed a technique to suppress the scattering effect with psf depth dependent using denoising wavelet method . Materials and Methods: The point-spread function (PSF) for fluorescent imaging has been derived as a solution of diffusion equation with hollow spherical sources in an infinite homogeneous medium. The theoretical PSF was compared with an experimental PSF. The experimental PSF was obtained by a 2.5-mm-diameter hollow sphere containing quantum dot embedded in a tissue like phantom. The phantom was placed in a fluorescence imaging system (MaestroTM, Cambridge Research and Instrument company) and its five slices were imaged with 1 mm thickness. The resolution of the images was improved using wavelet denoising method Results: of the fluorescent image was improved for depths of 1–3 mm in a scattering medium 3 mm-1. An experiment with a tissue like phantom demonstrated considerable improvement of a fluorescence image at a specified depth . Discussion and Conclusion: FMT is a optical imaging technique that, in conjunction with appropriate post processing algorithm can be used as a noninvasive functional imaging of a human body and an experimental animal .