Crisis Management with an emphasis on the financial aspects of earthquakes in the Saveh city

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 475

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 بهمن 1395

چکیده مقاله:

One of the problems of developing communities that could be irreparable harm for the countryto have a normal Haya crisis. Humans can not prevent an earthquake, but can be created by usinga series of financial losses and methods of humanitarian disasters, and damages that may arise inthe long term in front of the earthquake.The aim of this study is to evaluate emergency preparedness plans for dealing with earthquakedamage and reduce the financial aspects.takes foresight and futures studies. . Even an effective planning process, including changes in thevulnerability of old and monitors changes in technology and results that ultimately these changeswill improve emergency response and disaster.In line with this process is very important twocategories: Emergency management objectives, structure and strategies related to severeaccidents are damages definesEmergency response planning ways to collect resources and ways to control the populationbehavior in order to reduce the risks explained., response and recovery of funds wereexamined.The results showed that in particular the financial aspects needed to overcome theearthquake crisis management measures, including administrative measures before earthquake,during earthquake after earthquake.


Kamran Javai

PHD In medical and M.SC. In Reginal planning ,Department of Urban Planning , Shahre Qods ,Tehran.Iran

Mahmod Najafi

M.SC.In Management ,Department of Publice Management ,Arak Branch Islamic Azad university,Iran

Mansur Shirmard

PHD student in Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Department of Biological Sciences

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