Role of trapped electrons on the propagation of dust- ion acoustic waves in magnetized dusty electronegative plasma

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 594

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 آذر 1395

چکیده مقاله:

A theoretical investigation has been made of the nonlinear propagation of dust-ion acoustic waves in magnetized three-component dusty electronegative plasma consisting of Boltzmann negative ions, adiabatic positive ions, and negatively charged stationary dust and vortex-like distributed electrons. in this paper the nonlinear propagation of dust-ion acoustic(DIA) solitary waves in a magnetized dusty electronegative plasma with trapped electrons is investigated. Due to the presence of trapped electrons, the electron distribution function with the vortex- like distribution, has been introduced. The stationary solution of the KdV equation (i.e. DIA solitons) in this plasma is found and the influence of different parameters on amplitude and width of DIA solitons is investigated. in these regions, due to the presence of a high density of dust grains, different types of collective processes exist and very rich wave modes can be excited. One of these is the low-frequency dust ion-acoustic (DIA) waves. Shukla and Silin have first theoretically shown the existence of dust-ion-acoustic (DIA) waves in a dusty plasma containing boltzmann electrons, mobile ions, and negatively charged stationary dust


Mojgan Ranjbar ardestani

Islamic Azad University, Kashan Branch, Kashan, Iran

Navid Aslfattahi

Islamic Azad university, science and research of Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran