Daylighting and social sustainability (a new definition of social sustainability through interior daylighting)

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 804

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 آذر 1395

چکیده مقاله:

This paper aims to explore the positive effects of interior daylighting on social sustainability and indicate the reasons of using more natural light in design considerations. In this study, the effort was to find the correlation of interior daylighting and social sustainability through investigating the documents that separately had explored the quality outcomes of each of them and then seek the qualities that relates them to each other. Moreover, the paper explores how natural light of buildings improves human performance, productivity and health that enhances indoor environmental quality and social sustainability. The vital role of daylighting in sustainable buildings for minimizing the use of electricity, has been proved through studies. However, there is a little investigation through the effect of daylighting in a qualitative way on social aspect of sustainability that is about quality of life. One of these qualities is reachable by using natural resources especially for interior that are the most time spent places and should have a quality of better living standards. Since these living qualities are the major concerns of social sustainability, then using natural light at interior design will offer huge sustainable social benefits. Unfortunately nowadays, social sustainability, unlike environmental and economical sustainability, does not get the deserving attention of architects. Whereas, these 3 sustainable pillars completes each other. In other words, environment and economy sustainability are about quantity aspects and social sustainability is about quality aspects of design. Findings show that daylighting not only enhances economic and environment sustainability, but also affects social sustainability in a positive way and is a multifunctional solution for building’s interior design problems.


Dorsa Fatourehchi

MSc candidate in Architecture, Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty, Shahid Rajaie Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

Mohammad karamloo

Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty, Shahid Rajaie Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

Esmaeil Zarghami

Associate Professor, Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty, Shahid Rajaie Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

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