Study the effect of management information systems to the financial success of companies in the industrial cities of Bandar Abbas

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 519

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 آذر 1395

چکیده مقاله:

The increasing development of technology-based tools and information to adaptquickly to the needs of human beings has led to a new form of interactive and creativelearning environment, active and inclusive environment. The companies and commercialorganizations is serving a full-scale war that their main goal was survival and competitiveadvantage them nothing but more and better customers. Accordingly, managementinformation systems as a new tool can have enormous influence in contemporaryorganizations. In this paper, information management systems were on the companies'financial success. In this study population was including financial management companies inthe industrial cities of Bandar Abbas (200 members). For samples were randomly samplebased on a sample size of 127 was calculated. The data collected through a questionnaireconsisting of 20 questions. Questionnaires to some experts (experts) and the results led to areform of the items. As a result, the questionnaires were received from content and facevalidity. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were obtained for the variables; more than 0.7 wereapproved, resulting in reliability. To identify hypotheses, one sample Student's t- test at asignificance level of less than 0.05, was used. In this regard, the software spss version 17 wasused. The results showed that studied management information systems affect the company'sfinancial success.


Hamidreza Kordlouie

Islamic Azad University - Eslamshahr branch - Management and Accounting Faculty

Ali Nikolaie

PhD Candidate in Finance , Faculty Of Management and Economic , Tehran Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University ,Tehran , Iran

Mohammad Mahdian

M.A in Finance , Qeshm International Branch , Islamic Azad University , Qeshm Island , Iran

Tahmoores Aghajani

Assistant Professor , Shahre Ghods Branch , Islamic Azad University , shahre Ghods , Iran

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