سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 618

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 شهریور 1395

چکیده مقاله:

Contamination of refinery wastewater with phenanthrene as the persistence organic pollutants is the most serious environmental problem in several countries worldwide. Discharging of refinery effluent with phenanthrene in to any natural water is considered as a carcinogenic substance to aquatic organisms. The aim of this applied-analytical study is to investigate phenanthrene removal from urban drinking water using batch reactor electrochemical. Various operating variables are tested for their effects on phenol removal; these include current density, electrodes material, pH, and time. Phenanthrene removal efficiency is examined in different operating cases of the variables current density (1 to 8 mA/cm2), electrodes material (aluminium, copper, iron, steel, and zinc), pH (4 to 10), and time (20 to 60 min). Phenanthrene is determined according to procedure detailed in standard methods. AS-AS as anode-cathode electrodes produce the mean of the lowest phenol removal (0.0%), while Zn-Cu as anode-cathode electrodes produce the mean of the highest phenol removal (100%) at similar experimental conditions. Batch experiments show that the maximum phenanthrene removal is obtained using zinc-copper as the anode-cathode electrode arrangement. The increase in current density from 1 to 8 mA / cm2 in at optimum electrode and pH increases phenanthrene removal from 56to 100%. The increase in time from 20 to 60 min at optimum electrode and pH increases phenanthrene removal from 32 to 100%. The findings indicate that phenanthrene removal efficiency is increased with increasing current density, electrolysis time, and pH. Thus, batch experiments indicates that the electrochemical reactor can be efficient in removing phenanthrene from drinking water and may be considered as a promising technology for treating phenanthrene-polluted drinking water


G Kashi

Department of Environmental Health, Islamic Azad University Tehran Medical Branch, Tehran, Iran