Study of relationship between Organizational Culture and Employees Readiness: a Case study of Isfahan University

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 417

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 خرداد 1395

چکیده مقاله:

Following the establishment of appropriate context to implement participatory management in administrative system of Iran and according to necessity of administrative development and organizational improvement, studying participation programs is an inevitable issue. Participatory management is the art of applying all of elements participation and decreasing social distance between managers and employees. This method of management emphasizes on employees training in the appropriate cultural context in the participation-oriented organization in order to develop organizational behaviors with changing in people’s attitude and vision and empowering their internal motivations and applying efficient and correct ways, so that organization witnesses such exquisite innovations and creativities. Current paper studies the relation between components of organizational culture and employees’ readiness in order to implement participatory management. In this paper, the relationship between the seven components of organizational culture of Gordon including obedience, responsibility, standards, rewards, organizational clarity, warmth and support and leadership based on expertise and readiness of staff to implement participatory management are studied. This research is applied research in terms of objective and in terms of research methodology is descriptive-correlative research and also it is the field one. To test hypotheses and analyze the research’s findings, statistical techniques such as Stepwise regression method and Pearson's correlation coefficient have been used. Research’s results indicate that there is a significant relation (At 99% confidence level) between organizational culture and employees’ readiness to implement participatory management.


Ali Akbar Ahmadi

Full Professor Of Management , Payam Noor University, Payam Noor, Iran

Borzou Mohammad Pur

M.A of Management , Payam Noor University, Payam Noor, Iran

Mohsen Zamani

PHD Student of Management , Payam Noor University, Payam Noor, Iran