Modification of Carbon Paste Electrode Using Schiff-base complex derived from 3-methoxysalicylaldehyde with molybdenum(VI) and tetraoctylammonium bromide: its application in Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Ascorbic Acid and Dopamine

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 506

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 فروردین 1395

چکیده مقاله:

A carbon-paste electrode (CPE) is modified by incorporating Schiff-base complex derived from 3- methoxysalicylaldehyde with molybdenum (VI) (MoOMeSal) and tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOAB). The mechanism of electrocatalytic oxidation of dopamine (DA) and ascorbic acid (AA) at the surface of the MoOMeSal-modified CPE containing various percents of TOAB is thoroughly investigated by cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry. In solutions of pH 5.0, in which all studies are performed, DA exists as the positively charged species whereas AA is mainly as the anionic form. Therefore, the favorable ionic interaction (electrostatic repulsion) between the cationic form of DA and the cationic surfactant (TOA+ ) caused increasing the overvoltage for DA and positive shift in its anodic peak potential. Results of these studies showed that by increasing the weight percent of TOAB in the matrix of the modified CPE, ∆Ep for oxidation of AA and DA is increased, which makes it suitable for simultaneous voltammetric detection of AA and DA. However, hydrophobicity of TOAB at the surface of the modified electrode shows a great influence on the sensitivity of the voltammetric responses, especially for DA. Therefore, an optimum 2 wt.% of TOAB together with 3 wt.% of MoOMeSal was used for construction of the modified electrode and two well-resolved anodic wave for AA and DA were obtained in both cyclic and differential pulse voltammetric techniques. A linear range of 1×10−5 to 1×10−2M for AA in the absence and also presence of a constant concentration of 1×10−4M DA is resulted using the modified electrode. The linear range for DA in a constant concentration of 1×10−4M AA was in the range of 2×10−5 to 1×10−2 M. The preparation of the modified electrode is very easy and renewed by simple polishing. This electrode has very good reproducibility (R.S.D.≤3%), high stability in its voltammetric response (more than two month without any considerable change in response) and low detection limit (micromolar) for both AA and DA. The prepared electrode is successfully applied for the voltammetric detection of AA and DA in pharmaceutical preparations.


Hamidreza Zare Mehrjardi

Chemistry Department, Payame Noor University , Tehran 19395-4697, Islamic Republic of Iran

Ali Arjmandi

Chemistry Department, Payame Noor University , Tehran 19395-4697, Islamic Republic of Iran