Coupled aerothermoelastic response of functionally graded panels by using Galerkin method

سال انتشار: 1387
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,049

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آبان 1386

چکیده مقاله:

This paper presents coupled aerothermoelastic response of rectangular panels that made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) under supersonic gas flow. The governing equations are obtained form the Lord- Shulman’s linear dynamic coupled thermoelasticity model with the first-order shear deformation theory. Moreover, the material properties are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to power law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. Quasi-steady aerodynamic pressure loadings are determined using the first order piston theory. In addition, the Galerkin approach is used to transform the governing equations into a set of linear ordinary differential equations and the resulting system of equations is solved through a numerical integration scheme. The effects of gradient index and plate aspect ratio on the displacement and temperature responses of functionally graded panels are also highlighted. Among others, it is found that FGM plates are more suitable for dynamic responses than their equivalent metal plates.



Mechanical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, I.R.Iran.


Mechanical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, I.R.Iran.


Mechanical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, I.R.Iran.

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