Prevalence of pain and analgesic use on patients of referring to Emergency departments of medical centers of Qazvin university medical sciemce in 2006-2007

  • سال انتشار: 1386
  • محل انتشار: دومین همایش سراسری طب اورژانس
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ICEM02_060
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 1793
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Lili Yekkeh fallah


Title: Prevalence of pain and analgesic usc in parients of referring Emergency departments of medical centers of Quazvin university medical science in2006-2007 . Background :pain has been identified as an important public health problem pain in all leads to disability in physical activity, anxiety, sleep disturbance , work absence and social withdrawal. Pain leads to sever stress and dysfunction in social roles. The objective of this study was to incestigate prevalenceof pain and analgesic use in patients that refers to Emergency departments of medical centers of Qazvin in university medical science. Material & methods: This research is descriptive analytic descriptive design and we studied the prevalence of pain and analgestic use in patient of refering toEmergency departments and the relationship sample of 300 patients the refers to Emergency department. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by softwere ofpass. And statistical analysis was carried out with help of Q-square test and fisher test. Result :the most common types of pain is chest pain (236%). and other most commn typesof pain were headtdache(2013%) and foot pain ( 1 116%.) and flunk pain 10/6% Prevalence of pain in was significantly higher in women. (P< 0/0O 1). Prevalnalence includes:sleep problems,cating problems,anger and sadness and 38/2%. . Restrictions in daily living attributable to pain that reported by patients includes: sleep problems, caring probletns, anger and sadness and about one month was 35/3% . the most common analegis use was tramadol hydrochloride (2%). and the most comnlon analgesic use in men was: Acctaminophen codien (30/4%) Acetaminophen (22/6%) ,Merfenamic acid Acetaminophen codein (36/7%) Ibuprofen (22/7%) and Acetaminophen (16/2%) Conclusion: because of high prevalence of pain in people and sever effeah and high restrictions in daily living actictivities duo to pain , addilionkil studied are necessary for enhance knowledge of health care professional to assist people with pain and management of pain snd recognize risk factor and predisposing factors of pain ro assist control of pain and improve quality of life .

کلیدواژه ها

Key words: pain, Prevalenre , Emergency departments , nalgesic

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