سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 793

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 مهر 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Turkish agriculture within the World Countries, which have an important place, is a priority for enhancing competitiveness in foreign direct investment in the food industry. As with other areas in Turkey, it is inadequate both the national and the foreign investment in the food and agricultural sector. The most important reason is the lack of accumulation of disability in Turkey. On the other hand, in the world, expansion of movement of globalization and internationalization in the management, it is reinforces the importance of capital requirements and propagation. In this context, considering the condition of the food and agricultural sector in foreign investment in Turkey and to communicate the current status of valuation to foreign investors, reveals the importance of this work.Direct Foreign Investment (FDI), previously could be seen as a capital outflow from the country since the early 1980s under the influence of globalization has tended to increase at a parallel rate to world trade, has become more important role in the global economy and the rapid spread of free market ideology. Depending on the technological developments in communication and transportation sectors has become one of the requirements of the globalization process.Together with applies to increase foreign direct investment in agriculture and food sector trends, this situation causes of global competition in international markets. Which is the world leader in agricultural production in many products, Turkey takes its place as a strong player in this field, it is important. This study, therefore, Turkey's FDI in terms of benefits, and the current status of agriculture in the food sector and foreign direct investment is given in the application in this area.


Halil Fidan

Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Economics Dışkapı / Ankara

Suna Acartepe

Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock Eskişehir Highway ۹ Km Lodumlu / ANKARA