Growth and development in the field of recycling as for the city courtyard (Textile case number two city Ghaemshahr)

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 540

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 شهریور 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Today,the area of recycling as an important property for the purpose of urban prosperity know .in order to assess the scope of what can be recycled to be used and also , how well developed design principles should be required to identify their characteristics and their potential to follow. Development in the areas of recycling , in some cases , completely clearing the site of injury to a sense of place , so some building have historical value of recycling and the memorial of the citizens during development and revitalization should be maintained , intervention at the site in order to preserve the historical and cultural value can be considered decorative protection. The modern method of spatial organization and meet the new conditions of existence and insists but look at it is more conservative and emotional aspects. By examining the role of the central courtyard of tradition architecture and respond to the humanitarian needs of small-scale and expansion of the courtyard for the city urban scale to meet the needs of citizens to maintain a sense of place and growth development of the area has been recovered. To finally complete and comprehensive definition of urban courtyard paid de tailed attention to the social and cultural conditions of the site is variable. Urban courtyard can be a manifestation of urban squares in today s society the fact that the fields in the tradition play in modern society today.


Yaser Razaghi Golafshani

Yaer Razaghi Golafshani , architecture student , Islamic azad university , savadkooh unit ,department of architecture , savadkooh , iran.

Ramin Farshidfar

Rmin Farshidfar , supervisor , coach and member of the board of the department of architecture , Islamic azaduniversity , sama unit , ghaemshahr . Iran